Latest sustainability progress

Reducing our carbon footprint
Our commitment to the planet is reflected in our use of energy from renewable sources and our continuous investment in projects for the production and self-consumption of solar energy in our facilities, which has allowed us to reduce our energy dependence and the annual CO₂ emissions generated by our main work centres.
– In 2023, 100% of the energy used at our Laboratorio Genové plant and 48.2% of the energy used at our Bigues i Riells plant came from renewable sources.
– Annual CO₂ emissions from the Hospitalet del Llobregat headquarters were reduced by 10% in 2023.
Latest sustainability progress
Our news, milestones and improvements towards a better world
48% reduction in CO₂ emissions per Tn manufactured in the last 3 years ...
Reducing water consumption per Tn manufactured in our production centers by 25%...
More sustainable packaging, reduction of material and weight, new packaging and recycled materials...